Yesterday a friend and I traveled to Saline in the early afternoon to help support our home town boys basketball team that had made it to the 4A state tournament for the first time in 16 years. This was something that my friend and I had never experienced because when we were in high school our team never made it past the first round of sub state. We thought this would be a once and a life time opportunity for us to see our boys play at this tournament, which intrigued us to make the journey to Salina that day.
After arriving in Salina at the Bicentennial Center that day it was obvious that we were not the only ones that saw the importance and value of this game. There were over two hundred students from back home in attendance as well as school faculty, parents of players, local business owners and even parents that did not have students playing. The turn out from our home town was mind blowing to think that this many people were out to support their town in such an extraordinary event.
I did not know our students let alone our town had that much pride in our school to come out with that kind of numbers to support the team. This reminded me how people remember where they came from. This is something we all must keep in mind as we move up in high school, go on to college, enter the industry, move on to another job or relocate. There were once people and organizations that made an impact that pushed us to where we are and what we have today. Remember to give back to these people or organizations as we progress in our lives.