Thursday, April 17, 2014

Something Different

            As my title may suggest this blog is going to be a little different from my past blogs.  I’m going to keep this short, sweet, and to the point.  Worrying is something that I do quite frequently.  I worry about ANYTHING. Did I do my homework right? Did I say what they wanted to hear? Am I giving my all? Do I have enough time? One big worry I had between semesters at K-State was whether this new girl who is going to be my roommate would like me. Will we get along?  This new girl, Laura, had just moved into our house at the beginning of spring semester. Little did I know that this new girlwould turn out to be one of my best friends.  Laura has challenged me to be who I am, have courage in myself, and to grow in faith. She is literally my ‘right hand man’ anytime of everyday. Laura takes ALL my worries away and helps me to focus on the positives of life. Thanks to Laura I have found a friend that is ALWAYS there for me.
            Now I have reflection questions for you…
  •  What causes you to worry in life?
  • How can you eliminate those worries?

Do something different. Take two minutes and thank someone who has helped you in life. Find your Laura and tell this person what they mean to you. Once you’re done, share this blog with your friends and family so that we can pass on our thankfulness and possibly make someone’s day.